Capacitive duty contactor CEM25CK.01N-230V-50Hz 004643820
- ETI Code:
- 004643820
- Description:
- CEM25CK.01N-230V-50Hz
- Class name:
- Capacitive duty contactor
- Number of auxiliary NC contacts:
- 1
- Rated operational power at 400 V (kVar):
- 25
Logistic Data
- Customs tariff
- 85364900
Basic packaging
- Basic packaging quantity
- 1
- EAN code for a basic packaging
- 3838895830405
- Basic packaging weight
- 0.65 kg
Transport packaging
- Transport packaging quantity
- 24
- EAN code for a transport packaging
- 3838895830412
- Transport packaging weight
- 11 kg
- Pallet quantity
- 504
ETIM Clasification
- Classification
- EC001079
- Class name
- Capacitor contactor
- Rated control supply voltage AC 50 Hz
- 230…230V
- Voltage type for actuating
- AC
- Number of auxiliary contacts as normally closed contact
- 1
- Type of electrical connection of main circuit
- Screw connection
- Number of normally open contacts as main contact
- 3
- Rated blind power at 400 V, 50 Hz
- 25kvar